Saturday, May 21, 2011

TreyBCakes Gourmet Bakery and Eatery

Today was a beautiful sunny day meant for walking outside. Not baking inside :-).
Perfect day to visit my favorite new bakery: !

TreyB has gelato. Yummy gelato that transports me back to Italy when I worked for Maestro Pavarotti and would spend a few weeks there while he rested between tours.

I tried the hazelnut gelato. I love anything hazelnut. When you live in Europe, especially Germany, hazelnut is a staple. And this hazelnut gelato was scrumptious. As I like to say, "to die for", not entirely unrelated on this Judgement Day.

If you are up for a very delicate and tasty dessert, go to TreyB's (1801 L Street) and try their gelato. The hazelnut gelato is a winner!
